
Hi! This is Oscar. I am a Software Engineer with 15+ years of experience in some domains and using a few programming languages. I have bachelor´s and master´s degrees in Computer Science, a specialization in Systems Architecture, a couple of Cloud Certifications from AWS, Oracle, Linux Foundation and a few Java certifications, including two issued by SUN Microsystems 😅.

On this personal blog, I’ll post things related to technology, software engineering, systems architecture, and so on. Also, there is a section with some pictures I’ve been taking.

Few free to reach me on my social networks.

 Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD)
AWS Certified Cloud Practitionar
OCI Certified Architect Associate 2023
OCI Certified Associate Multicloud Architect 2023
OCI Certified Associate Foundations 2023
Oracle Certified Professional JavaEE 5 Business Component Developer (OCPJBCD 5)
Sun Certified Java Web Component Developer 5 (SCJWCD 5)
Sun Certified Java Programmer 1.5 (SCJP 5)